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My inspirations for my artwork was my love for Butterflies. As said before my love for butterflies stemmed from the story my grandfather told me and ever since I have always loved butterflies. In addition to that, I love how butterflies look, I like the symmetry and how one half looks like the other, I like the colorful ones and how they look when they fly around from flower to flower. If I would change anything I would change the cleanliness and my choice of colors. In my original idea, i wanted to do flowers I the background but ran out of time and just put scatter marks. I would also change my color chooses, I would have liked to do all the colors at least once, then do two or three different chooses.

Animal Lino-cut

The first thing I did was to choose a picture of a butterfly. I think decided that it should be a realistic picture of a butterfly then looked at different sides and angles of butterflies. After finding one that was straightforward I choose that picture. After that I :
1. Sketched it 
2. Outlined it with sharpie
3. Covered the back with lead
4. Went over the lines, transfering it
5. Started carving
My ending result

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