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Screen Print

My inspiration for my screen print was dragonflies. I think dragonflies are really beautiful in an artistic type of way because they can be very colorful. They also have very fine details that you can sometimes see with the naked eye. I also think it's interesting that dragonflies symbolize different things in different cultures.The Japanese culture sees the dragonfly as it as a symbol of power, agility and best of all, victory. In China, people associate the dragonfly with prosperity, harmony and as a good luck charm. Also among Native Americans, it is a sign of happiness, speed, and purity. I think a dragonfly symbolizes so many things and that all of them are mysterious and beautiful at the same time. if I could change anything about my artwork it would be making it cleaner as well as doing the invert with the outline being colored and the background being blank.

The first thing I did was pick my bug. I wanted to either do a butterfly or a dragonfly and ended up doing a dragonfly because it had more details. I then went through about 20 different picture until I found the right one. Afterward I….

  1. Sketched it

  2. Colored it

  3. Cut it out

  4. Covered the back with a lead pencil

  5. Transferred it to my vinyl

  6. Carved out the yellow parts

  7. Transferred it to my screen

  8. Covered it with paint

  9. Printed on paper

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